Marvel Action: Avengers - The Living Nightmare...

The final volume in our Marvel Action: Avengers series is out now, collecting the last three issues of the comic series (#'s 10-12). This is our big blowout blockbuster, collecting "The Living Nightmare" storyline that spawned all that Yellow Hulk hubbub you might've heard about in a half-dozen internet articles.

You can find Book 4 at your local comic store, bookstore, or online here.

For more details, here's the official write-up from IDW/Marvel:

A new era of all-out Avengers action continues in these middle-grade-friendly graphic novels!

The first year of Marvel Action: Avengers comes to a thrilling conclusion! The Avengers begin their final attack against A.I.M. and the mastermind behind their woes reveals themselves.

These graphic novels are the perfect starting point for new fans looking for more stories of the adventures of Black Panther, Captain America, Thor, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, and Black Widow! Collects issues #10-12 of the Marvel Action: Avengers series.

And if you missed the other collections in the series, here's a handy set of links for you:

Thanks for reading. I have more Marvel projects to announce soon, but for now, I've got to finish writing them first. I should probably get back to doing that.

To be continued...
