Marvel Action: Avengers - The Ruby Egress...

This week the second collection of our Marvel Action: Avengers series hits comic shops and books stores. This volume collects issue #'s 4-6, our second full storyline entitled "The Ruby Egress." Jon Sommariva delivers incredible artwork, with additional inks by Sean Parsons and Jimmy Reyes and colors by Protobunker. The book was written by me and lettered by Christa Miesner, with edits by Bobby Curnow and Megan Brown.

In this action-packed story, Thor and Captain Marvel find themselves trapped in a mystical world full of classic Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko Marvel monsters. Dr. Strange guest-stars, as does a certain classic Avengers villain who puts the rest of the team in jeopardy.

Don't miss it!

To be continued...
