Flash: The Secret Files of Barry Allen...

Not too long ago, I wrote a pair of books for Abrams set in the universe of the popular DC Comics shows airing on the CW.

The first of which is already out in bookstores: The Flash: The Secret Files of Barry Allen.

Containing everything from crime files to personal notes, from weapon schematics to journal entries, this book is written almost entirely in Barry Allen's voice, giving readers insight into the mind of the Fastest Man Alive.

The book even includes a handy episode guide in the back that covers the first four seasons of the show.

The next in the series will be Supergirl: The Secret Files of Kara Danvers, due out in March. Be sure to check back soon for more info on that book as well.

Please note, I made it through this entire blog post without a "speed reading" pun.

Well, almost.

To be continued...
