The Perfect Stocking Stuffer...

This Wednesday (December 16th), my latest Ninja Turtles issue hits stands in the form of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures # 18. My tale in this particular issue is called "Secret Santa," and is drawn by Paulina Ganucheau with colors by Heather Breckel and letters by Shawn Lee.

Find out what happens when Michelangelo is unlucky enough to draw Raphael's name during their Secret Santa gift exchange. The issue also features the second half of a tale by writer Landry Q. Walker and artists Dario Brizuela, as well as another great Dario crafted cover. There's also a really cool variant subscription cover floating around out there by Jeffrey Cruz. You can check out a free preview of Walker and Brizuela's tale here.

As an extra bonus, here's the cover to the very first holiday Ninja Turtles story, the memorable "Michaelangelo" Micro Series special from 1985 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. Happy holidays!
