Scooby-Doo and the Island of Misfit Parents...

Last week I was in New York City attending the wedding of my old friend Mike Zagari to his new wife (and fellow comic book enthusiast) Janna O'Shea, so I didn't get a chance to post about my newest comic to hit the stands. That issue is Scooby-Doo!: Where Are You? # 44, an issue set on a small island named Fripp in South Carolina that is seemingly haunted by the legendary creatures known as Jabberwockies. (My parents also happen to live on that particular island, but that's a horror story for a different day.)

Each issue of Scooby features two stories, and mine was pencilled by Robert Pope with inks by Scott McRae. The second tale in the issue features the work of longtime DC writer Paul Kupperberg, with pencils by Roberto Barrios and inks by Horacio Ottolini.

With any luck, there should be a copy or two left at your local comic shop or news stand,  so why not see what the ol' Mystery Inc. Gang is up to? (Scooby Snacks sold separately.)
