The Superman Files...

At long last, The Superman Files hits stores and Amazon this week. This is one of my favorite projects to date, so if you get a chance to stop by your local book store and flip through it, please do.

This book is a complete modern history of the life of the Man of Steel written in the far future by Brainiac 5 and illustrated with the use of journal entries, faux newspaper articles, "photographs" from the comics, newly commissioned artwork and more.

Here are a few sample pages to give you an idea of what's inside:

While it tells Superman's story first and foremost, the book is chock full of Easter Eggs for the fans, and even contains a few nods to our previous book, The Batman FilesCovering everything in Superman's life from John Byrne's revamp to the revisions of New 52 and even into the 31st Century, we attempted to make The Superman Files the most comprehensive life story of Superman to ever see print. I hope you all agree.


Unknown said…
Would love to interview you about "The Superman Files" for Please contact me.
Unknown said…
Mr. Manning, Can you tell me if it's possible to purchase the image in the opening of the Superman Files book? My husband is a HUGE fan and I would love to buy it for him.
Sorry for the late reply, Heather. The majority of the artwork used in the book is taken from other comics. The piece you mentioned is by Gary Frank, so he'd be the one to contact about purchasing it, if in fact he still owns the original.

And thanks for the interview, Steve. Had a great time on your show.