Last bit of Spidey news...

As I mentioned last week, I have one last Spider-Man project to announce now that it's also up for pre-order on Amazon. Due in bookstores this October is Spider-Man Chronicle: A Year by Year Visual History from the good folks at DK Publishing. A perfect companion book to the fictional history of the wall-crawler in Spider-Man: Inside the World of Your Friendly Neighborhood Hero, this month by month chronicle of the events in Spider-Man's world and the people who charted them is proving to be a mammoth project, but one I'm very excited about seeing in print. I'm currently writing the 1960s through the 1980s, while my partner in crime, Alan Cowsill, will be handling the 1990s through the present. If you liked our work on the DC Year by Year book, or my sections of the Marvel Chronicle, then be sure to check out this latest volume in the series.

But to make sure the book comes out on time, I better stop writing this and get back to reading 1970s Spider-Man comics. Man, I'm really hungry for a Hostess Twinkie for some reason...

Above art by Frank Miller. Yes, that Frank Miller.
