Movies and reviews...
Recently I took a trip to Los Angeles to visit the folks at Marvel Studios and get a glimpse of some of the behind-the-scenes artwork for their two new movies, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. I was even treated to a screening of a rough cut of Thor over on the Fox Studios lot.
The reason behind my sneak preview is because for the last few months, I've been working on the next two "Art of" books in Marvel's line of successful film tie-in hardcovers. And if you're interested in seeing some of the impressive artwork that had a hand in crafting these films, be sure to pre-order your copies of these books now by visiting my Amazon store. The books will be chock full of interviews with the cast, crew, and most importantly, the design team, and will show off artwork not available anywhere else. They also come in nifty slipcases so your friends will think you're classy.
In other news, the reviews for my story in the Batman 80-Page Giant 2010 are trickling in over the internet. If you haven't bought it yet, rush out to your nearest comic store and grab your copy. But don't take my word for it. Listen to these guys:
“From that heartbreaking 1st page (SO economical, yet so affecting) to the surprisingly touching finale, Matthew Manning takes a B-list villain and, in 10 pages, tugs at your heartstrings, earns your sympathy, and tells a decent story while he’s at it… Great story! Grade: A+.” – Mark Mackner,
"Every Day Counts gets an A+!" – Bright
“The third story, "Every Day Counts" blew me away… you should read this issue just for this story.” – Walter Richardson, Multiversity Comics
“Matthew Manning's script is nicely crafted and adds poignancy to a one-note character, while the art of Garry Brown and John Livesay has a haunting quality.” –
“This is the most surprising story in this issue; it actually makes a compelling character out of Calendar Man." Rated Five out of Five. – The Batman
“Manning’s story “Every Day Counts,” …manages to not only make Calendar Man, Julian Day, an interesting character, but also a sympathetic character.” – Erik Lewis, By Odin’s Beard